Macro Musings with Jamie McGurk
Jun 20, 2022 1 Minute Read
Macro Musings with Jamie McGurk

C2 Ventures invited Jamie McGurk on their podcast to talk about the state of private growth markets and how BAM Elevate is advising its founders and how we can be most helpful. <recorded June 2022>

“We focus on private markets, starting beyond the venture stage… think of us as early growth investors.”

Jamie discusses his broad view of the market today and where he has seen the biggest changes.

“In 2021, top-performing private companies that exited had really strong balance sheets. But many had operational expense plans that were wound up to match that. Now, some of that “unwind” will happen, but not for all of them.”

He talks about how the private growth funds have slowed down in competition and how that has impacted deal velocity over valuations (so far, anyway).

Jamie also covers valuation compression and what he sees happening across the board.

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